Hi dear wefugee team, I received a letter and it says "Ihnen wurde am 18.05.2022 die Flüchtlingseigenchaft zuerkannt" not sure what does it mean?

It also says " Leistungen nach dem AsylbLG sind für Sie g daher em. 1Abs. 3 AsylbLG ab dem 01.06.2022 nicht mehr zu gewähren.
asked Jun 1, 2022 in Asylum proceedings by Jeddy | 1,513 views

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Dear @Jeddy,

thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugees Community.

It means that you have got a refugee protection on 18.05.2022 and, therefore, you are no longer eligible to receive money from Social Welfare Office (Sozialamt).

You must have actually received the decision of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees about your asylum application and have got a refugee protection. If you have not received this decision yet, you will receive it in coming days. With this protection you will get a residence permit based on section 25, subsection 2 sentence 1 Alt. 1 of the Residence Act of Germany (§ 25 Abs. 2 S.1 Alt.1 AufenthG) and a blue passport (Blauer Pass/Reiseausweis für Flüchtlinge) from the Foreigners' Office (Ausländerbehörde). That is why, you should first refer to your Foreigners' Office and take this decision of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees of Germany with you and apply for this residence permit and the blue passport in this office. Your Foreigers' Office may at first issue for you a fiction certificate (Fiktionsbescheinigung) or a preliminary certificate (Vorläufige Bescheinigung) until your electronic card gets finished and sent/given to you. After that you can refer to your respective Jobcenter with one of these documents and register yourself there and get your monthly contributions from this office.

Best wishes


answered Jun 1, 2022 by mbeon-fardeen
Thank you very much for your prompt answer @mbeon-fardeen!

You are welcome my dear colleague, @Julia.Wefugees

Hello Mr. Fardeen thank you for your fast response. The auslanderbehoerde might have the original decision from BAMF. I will contact them tomorrow. The video was informative thank you
@jeddy You are welcome! Yes, do it please. Maybe they already have a copy of it.
Unfortunately they do not have the original Bescheid they give me a copy of it and said I have to wait to receive the original until then the Jobcenter will not open an application for me. This is a huge problem for me atm.
It is not a problem. You should inform your Social Welfare Office (Sozialamt) as soon as possible about it. You should receive your social contributions from Social Welfare Office until the Foreigners' Office issue fro you a Fiction Certificate (Fiktionsbesceinigung)/Preliminary Certificate (Vorläufige Bescheinigung) or a residence permit, because with one of these documents you can register yourself in Jobcenter.
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