Hello I escaped with my 3 year old son. He has a lot of stomach pains. where can I get medical help? who pays for the treatment? Thank you! We wish all the best

asked Apr 14, 2022 in Healthcare by Lidiyaweb | 1,230 views
Hello Lidia,

where are you? I ask you this, because the answer depends on where you live.

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello Lidiya,  I am sorry to hear that!
Medical treatment in Germany is available in the form of visits to doctors' practices (outpatient) and hospitals (inpatient). In the case of new medical problems or for the treatment of long-term illnesses, you should usually first visit a general practitioner (in the case of children, a practice for paediatrics and adolescent medicine). The doctor will then decide whether to refer you to specialists for further treatment or whether you should go to hospital. Any prescription medication you may need can be prescribed by the doctor. You must then present the prescription to a pharmacy and collect the medicine directly.If in some acute case (not life-threatening) you need to see a doctor outside normal opening hours, you can call the medical on-call service (call number 116 117). In an emergency, you can also go to the emergency outpatient department of a hospital. In the event of a life-threatening condition (for example, a suspected heart attack/stroke or a serious accident), you should alert the emergency services by dialling 112. If you are suffering from an acute illness or are in pain, you are entitled to benefits under Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz, the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act. Further benefits may also be granted where necessary in specific cases to safeguard your health. In addition, persons with a residence permit according to § 24 (1) AufenthG (Residence Act) and who have special needs, e.g. persons for with disabilities or who have suffered torture or severe forms of violence, receive medical assistance to the extent necessary (§ 6 (2) of the AsylbLG).
The Federal Ministry of Health provides information on the medical services available.
Where do you stay? Contact your local social welfare office for advice.
I will be happy to help you find it. And I wish you and your son all the best!


answered Apr 14, 2022 by lisa27
thank you i will **** at the links
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