Hi everyone. My name is Arian and am from Cameroon. I am married since February 2016 with a Ukrainian girl and we have a 4 years old son. I was living in Ukraine too for several years but i left because I was late to extend my temporary resident permit. I was supposed to go back in Ukraine this year to meet them but the Russian invade started. They are now in Germany and the government gave them a 2rooms flat in Chemnitz. I wanted to know if I can have advises about a possibility for me to join them in Germany because I miss them. How long time it can takes to get a family reunion visa if possible? I want you guys of all what you do to help people. Best regards
asked Apr 12, 2022 in Other Questions by Ari1993 | 327 views

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Hi Arian,

in fact, spouses of Ukrainian nationals should be allowed to join them in Germany BUT you would have to prove that you resided in Ukraine on 24 February 2022.

As your case is more complicated, it's a good idea for your wife to inquire at the Ausländerbehörde in Chemnitz. Düsseldorfer Platz 1; 09111 Chemnitz; Maybe calling would work too: +49 371 488 3371

They will be able to tell you what you need (international marriage certificate etc.)

Wishing you all the best,


answered Apr 13, 2022 by JT
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