Hello family,
I would like if I can declare to authority or use my income from my country of origin. I mean income from my business and properties left in my country of origin ( outside of Germany ). Thank you.

I don't want to be supported by jobs centers

asked Apr 5, 2022 in Other Questions by Malcolm | 1,351 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Malcolm

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your important question. 

In Germany, only people who are actually in need can receive social benefits from the Jobcenter (or asylum seekers money - the so-called “Asylbewerberleistungen“). In the application process, applicants need to declare that they don’t have sufficient income or savings. The opposite, you HAVE to make use of your income/savings before you ask for social money. 

It might get a bit more complicated when dealing with the taxation system - but I’m not an expert in this topic. 

I would highly recommend to get some individual consultation on this. 

Would you agree and/or can you add some information dear @mbeon-Christine

All the best, 


answered Apr 18, 2022 by Meike
Hello Maike,

I fully agree.
Thank you for your immediate response, dear @mbeon-Christine! Much appreciated :-)
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