Dear all,

I'm looking to know the procedure of how an asylum process works for a student , and what happens to his Block Account , does he need to stay legally in Germany and then apply after the account is empty or he can apply when landing in Germany .

Second question is : can you rent in normal hotels and not register yourself with City Registration since you are going to apply for Asylum ?
asked Mar 6, 2022 in Legal advice by Sargal | 378 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @Sargal,

thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugees Community.

Once you are in Germany, based on the reason you have for an asylum, you can apply for it. When you apply for an asylum, you will be sent to a camp for asylum seekers. However, the Social Welfare Office will not help you financially until you spend the money you have in your Block Account.

Nevertheless, I would encourage you to study in Germany instead of applying for asylum. Because, when you study in Germany, after your graduation, if you find a work in the same field, in which you have got your degree, you will be allowed to remain in Germany. Of course, after your graduation, you will also be given 18 months to find a work in your field of study for yourself.

I hope my answer was useful for you and I'll be very pleased if you contact me again with further questions. I'm a member of the MBEON-staff and I‘ll be glad to guide you over a longer period of time. Mbeon is an online consultancy for migrants through the mbeon-app, which you can install on your smartphone for free. Download it via App Store or Google Play Store. You'll find me In the mbeon-app under my name „München, Herr Noori“ and get confidential one-to-one advice in a safe virtual room where nobody can wiretap messages. Further information: ***.mbeon.de.

Best Wishes

Fardeen Noori

answered Mar 9, 2022 by mbeon-fardeen
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