Good morning everyone,

 I have my 1 year Resident permit through integration and also through my kids last year May, and I have been in Germany since 2013 December.  I'm working full time and I wanted to ask if I can ask for Umbrifistet Aufenthaltstitel from Next month from my Landresamt.  

I also have a question,  My wife and my 2 children are a holder of 3 years with Blue Passport. They have been using the Blue passport and 3 years Resident since 2017 and they have renewed it for the second time I'm 2020.

Can my wife and 2 kids get automatically the Umbrifistet Aufenthaltstitel after they renewed it next year, she is a nursing mother and stay at home mom. I work and take care of all.

Please get  back to.my questions.

asked Feb 28, 2022 in Legal advice by Gago | 841 views

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2 Answers

+2 votes
@Gago, u are very funny.. well, the time of ur stay during 2013 is not counted... And you must hold residence permit for atmost 5yrs b4 u are entitiled for unlimited.. only if you got your residence permit through marrying a german only then you are entitled for unlimited or citizenship after holding your residence permit for 3years only.
answered Mar 1, 2022 by Kesskester28
@kessketer28 Are you sure of what you saying, because I think as far he hasn't get any duldung before, he is qualified for unbefristet
+2 votes

Dear @Gago,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your questions!

Unfortunately, I have to agree with @Kesskester28 in his point that you need to hold the temporary residence permit for at least 5 years before you have a chance to obtain the permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis). Please see the full list of requirements here. As far as I remember, you held a Duldung before you received the residence permit last year, right? Nevertheless, I am very happy to hear that you eventually managed to obtain the residence permit in the first place! This is really a great step forward and I don't have any doubts that you will manage in the future to successfully apply for the permanent one as well!

Regarding your second question: No permanent residence permit is issued automatically. Your wife has to apply for it (children can obtain one from the age of 16 y.) and fulfil the here listed requirements as recognised refugee. Please note that in general "the proofs of income may also be provided by the spouse or same sex partner in the event of marital or civil partnership cohabitation".

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Mar 5, 2022 by Meike
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