I am an asylum seeker and i want to apply for master but i dont know if my residency allow me to enrol in higher education
asked Jan 1, 2022 in Education by Moor | 590 views

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Dear @Moor

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question. 

Yes, you can study in a master's program - even if you are still in the asylum procedure. As far as I know, you won't need the permission of the immigration office (Ausländerbehörde). However, in practice people often experience difficulties, for instance in meeting the requirements of the respective universities or in the acknowledgement of their educational background. I would recommend you to contact a counselling office for individual support and advice. Please let us know if you need help in finding a respective office in your area. In any case, also don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Jan 15, 2022 by Meike
Hello mr.meike
Firstly thanks so much for your answer
Secondly i was searching and i meet some universities requirements but i need to wait to the winter semester
I graduated from the faculty of medicine so i have a good idea about which fields may be available as higher education
If there is any chance for individual counselling that will be great

Warm regards
Dear @Moor, if you want to share your approximate location, I would be happy to make some research for contact details! Looking forward to your reply! Best, Meike
hello back mr.meike
I am in Ratingen right now
hello , i would like to ask about if you find any nearby counselling
or even online counselling if the live meeting is not available
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