Hello, am a palestinein whos curruntly studying medicine in egypt am an exmuslim... And am looking for ways to escape this place as am starting to fear for my life and i dont wanna wait to get killed keep in mind that am willing to sucrfice the 5 years that i was in uni.. In order to get my freedom cause i came to a point where am thinking of suicide daily so i want to know in details how to escape and if going to uni in the country am going for is possiable
asked Nov 3, 2021 in Asylum proceedings by Mo_palestine | 379 views

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Dear @Mo_palestine,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

I am sorry to hear that you find yourself in such a difficult situation. However, as our platform and our experts are based in Germany and I am unfortunately absolutely not familiar with potential support structures in Egypt, I am afraid that the information we usually provide on this website will not be particulary helpful in your case. 

If you want to migrate to Germany, you will need to apply for a respective visa. Please see, for instance, the "Make it in Germany" website for a first overview on the different visa categories and the respective requirements. 

For the time being, you may also reach out to an NGO offering psycho-social support and counselling services. I could try to make some research on contact details and addresses in your region, if you want to share your approximate location with us.

In any case, please also don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best and take care,


answered Nov 3, 2021 by Meike
Thank u for ur help and yes i can share my private details with u... As far as for me trying to get a visa to germany i dont think this will happen cause i only have like 800 dollers so i dont see how this will work but i appreciate ur consern
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