Hello wefugees Team,

I am glad that we have this platform to get the useful information.

My question is about §25b.

(I am doing Ausbildung and this is my last year, so till next year in April my Ausbildung will be completed.) and my status in Germany Ausbildungsduldung. i have B1 certificate, i have Leben in Deutchland Certificate, i rented the small appartment, i pay from 2019 the rent, i do not take any unemployment money.

one more important thing that i got this ausbildungsduldung according the 60A law.

according to 25b law, i m in Germany from 2013. so the next month end of September my 8 Years will be completed in Germany.

but i still did not give my Passport to Ausländerbehörde because honestly i afraid that they will do something against me.

another side my 8 Years will be soon completed.

Can i apple now for Aufenthalt according to 25b Law?

should i be afraid to give the passport?

and if i apply and give all documents . how much time it will be required for the process by the Law?

because then i will go to the court as soon as possible for the (Untätigkeit Klage)

i will be very thankfull of your quick response.

asked Aug 26, 2021 in Legal advice by Zichako | 1,865 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Zichako,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again.

After successfully finished the apprenticeship ("Ausbildung"), you can apply for a residence permit according to section19d of the German Residence Act. 

Please see further information in this thread in which my dear colleague Christine explained more on how to apply for the respective residence permit. Here she also mentions that you may apply for a residence permit according to 25b after holding the 19d for 30 months. 

Those information are still valid @mbeon-Christine, right?

I hope this helps and please also don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Aug 29, 2021 by Meike
Thanks for the reply.
 i am in germany from 2013 and 8 Years will be completed in 2021.
so my question is now .
why can i apply for 25b Paragraph after holding 19d ? and i have already Ausbildungsduldung status.
i got this Ausbildungsduldung status according to 60A law in 2018.
after 2019 came duldung categories (60A, 60B, 60C, 60D) and which is according the law 60D Ausbildungsduldung but before 2019 was 60A Ausbildungsduldung.
@meike, why skipping 25b for 19d even when the person met the requirement of 25b? Thanks for your anticipated response
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