I'm currently in Germany, applying for a language course visa for 3 months. I got Ausbildung starting on the 01 October, but I'm worried if I will be able to change a Language visa to Ausbildung without returning home.
asked Jun 25, 2021 in Education by Angey015 | 1,557 views

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Dear @Angey015,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and sorry for the rather late reply.

Unfortunately, I am not an expert on these types of residence permits and tried to make some research. Do I understand correctly, that you hold a residence permit according to section 16f of the German Residence Act to make a language course in Germany? Checking this table (published by the GGUA in Münster), it says actually that "switching" from a residence permit according to 16f to a residence permit according to 16a (vocational training/"Ausbildung") is only possible in exceptional cases. However, starting to study and applying for a residence permit according to section 16b might be an option.

Am I right on this dear @mbeon-Christine or @mbeon-fardeen?

In any case, I would highly recommend you to consult a migration counselling office to discuss your individual situation.

Please also don't hesitate to get back to us if you have any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jul 25, 2021 by Meike
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