Am Asyl Bewerbe and my fiance is German. We want to get married so we've sent all files(except certificate of Celibacy(Ehefähigkeitszeugnis) was rejected because "Germany doesn't trust the Ghana system" quote in quote) to Staatesamt since last year September, but still no date yet. I got a letter from Ausländerbehörde stating that am subject to deportation and I must submit my passport to Ausländerbehörde. I've already got a Duldung.
Is there a way to get married easy and fast. Also what happens if I don't submit my passport to Ausländerbehörde on the due date or what happens after if I do submit it?
asked Mar 26, 2021 in Legal advice by Babygrme | 1,398 views

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4 Answers

0 votes
Hey did u manage to get married..
answered May 6, 2021 by Zm
Unfortunately not yet, still proving in my home country since September 2020
0 votes
Which documents were taken back to your country for verification: birth certificate or both (single status certificate?
answered May 7, 2021 by Zm
Only birth certificate and online forms (Fragebogen zur Überprüfung ghanaischer Dokument) they didn't accept my single status certificate because Germany doesn't trust my country (Ghana) system.  So you fill these forms online and print it out. Staatesamt will take it with your birth certificate and a copy of your passport then send to German in your country.
Note: this is only for people who come from West Africa and vietnam and one other country don't remember.
So in important to check in this if your country is part before you stress yourself out.
0 votes
Thanks for the imput.. Wish you the very best.. Did the standesamt mention about you getting another approval for marriage from the higher regional court.... Have see some have been sent there... But i hope they don't delay you further..
answered May 7, 2021 by Zm
You're welcome, not that am aware of. Will check on that. But called the Embassy even though not allowed to call, they sent email to Staatesamt that they'll be finished in 5 months if am not deported by then. Fingers crossed and prayers
0 votes
God forbid you will not be deported.. Just believe and trust... Am sure the document will be out even b4 the 5months... Keep the hope
answered May 7, 2021 by Zm
Thanks Zm, am keeping the faith high
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