I'm under 18 and I want to make a asylum request in Madrid airport's transit area. In the UNHCR's page, it says that I must be assisted by a lawyer in the procedure at the boarder. But do the official appoint me a public defender without charge, or should I find a lawyer by myself? Thank you.
asked Feb 14, 2021 in Asylum proceedings by Annie | 1,870 views

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Dear @Annie,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

The platform and our experts are based in Germany. Therefore, it is in most of the cases a bit difficult for us to share experience or knowledge on procedures and regulation in other countries. I tried to make some reseach on the airport asylum procedure in Madrid Spain. I found this website asylumineurope.org on which they are referring to this topic. 

Here they state:

On the other hand, the increase in applications made in Madrid Barajas Airport in 2017 created confusion and lack of coordination in the appointment of legal representatives to asylum seekers, while the legal aid option chosen by the asylum seeker is not verified.[31] Such problems have not been reported during 2018 nor in 2019. The main concerns relate to private lawyers, especially as regards the lack of specialisation in asylum-related issues and paid services; since asylum seekers have the right to free legal aid provided by NGOs or Bar Associations. CEAR has a team of 4 lawyers assisting asylum seekers at the Madrid Barajas Airport.

Difficulties in the provision of effective legal assistance are also caused by the tight deadlines foreseen in the procedure at borders and in CIE, and on the other hand the fast execution of removals and forced return once admission to the procedure is refused.

The mentioned CEAR is the "Comisión Espanola de Ayuda al Refugiado". Maybe you can contact them for further information as well. Nevertheless, please also don't hesitate to get back to us if you have any other question.

All the best,


answered Feb 20, 2021 by Meike
Thank you so much!

And may I ask if I come to Madrid from a South America country (like Ecuador or Peru), does these countries qualified as a Safe Thrid country? I know many venezuelas who cannot fled to Spain came to these two countries as refugees.

Best regards,
Dear @Annie, I am really sorry, but unfortunately I can not give you any information on how Spain is dealing with people coming from those countries. I would highly recommend you to address your questions to this mentioned organisation as well. I am sure they can give you much more precise advice and details. Good luck and all the best, Meike
Thank you so much for your reply!
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