Hello how are you?  My name  is Jay am from Jamaica am currently in Germany  in an asylum  camp, me and my fiance is trying to get married but I don't have my passport... I have my birth certificate and my certificate to from my country to show I never been married before... but no passport at the moment....by the way we are a gay couple  been engaged for over a year now.... hes German national  he lives here in Germany and work.....I want to ask is it possible  to get married here in Germany without my passport... I have every other document's expect my passport...  and my documents that I have is already legalized by the German embassy in Jamaica,....
I have been in Germany before they sent me to France and I ended up on the streets.... long story short am back in Germany applying for asylum but me and my fiance want to get married so badly.... we just want to be happy for once...
asked Jan 11, 2021 in Legal advice by Jay_jay1 | 480 views

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Dear @Jay_jay1

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us. 

Usually, the passport will be required to get married in Germany. However, as you also applied for asylum and you are in the middle of the procedure (what I understood from your explanations), you can also not ask the Jamaican Embassy in Germany to issue a passport. I would recommend you to get in contact with your local registry office and to explain the situation. At the end, this is the authoritiy which is deciding if you meet their requirements or not. 

Good luck and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Jan 15, 2021 by Meike
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