Hello everybody,

I am an Iranian doctoral candidate in Berlin. I am in the 3rd year of my study. My girlfriend, also Iranian, is doing her Ph.D. here. Due to several problems, I am thinking to quit my study and focus on finding a job(my current field of study is far from job market and I have no hope for any job in the future...anyway...). I have some questions:

1-Is that possible, if we would get married in the future, to change my Visa status to Family-Reunion?

2-When that status change in my Visa would be possible, can I start an Ausbildung?

3-If I start an Ausbildung, is that possible to start a Bachelor's or Master's degree?

Thank you in advance!

All the Best,

closed with the note: Questions are getting closed after a year of no interaction.
asked Aug 10, 2020 in Legal advice by hrn | 662 views
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