Dear @Allibababb1,
Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for sharing your question.
I learned that the immigration offices in the different regions and federal states in Germany have different policies regarding the family members of people with an “Ausbildungsduldung”. Sometimes they issue a Duldung for them, but it could also happen that they ask them to leave the country, as they claim making a Ausbildung is a voluntary decision of the individual person. I assume that making a Ausbildung yourself and getting an independent status would be the safest and best way. However, the Ausbildung (TVET training) is also a quite challenging task which requires a lot of energy, studying in school etc.
I would highly recommend you to discuss your situation and personal conditions with a migration counselor, for instance.
I will also link two of our experts here. Dear @mbeon-Christine or @mbeon-Ruth, am I right on this or is there anything you may want to add?
All the best,