My mother and I (turned 19 in april) left our country due to fear of persecution. We would like to request asylum in Germany.
asked May 2, 2020 in Legal advice by bellajimenezc | 860 views

Dear @bellajimenezc

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and sorry for the rather late reply. 

Unfortunately, I can not share any experience or knowledge from my side, whether the German authorities may reject the asylum application and point to the "save third country" you were living in before. 

I will link two of our wonderful experts here. Maybe they can share some more information on your question. Dear @Alla_fka or @mbeon-Christine, Did you come across similar cases before? 

All the best, 


@meike, Good morning Everyone.. please my cousin got married to a german lady for over 3years now and Auslanderbeholden have been asking him to go back to africa and come with family reunion visa.. But, he hve been refusing so, he wife had a kid for him now so, he was asking me if its possible for him to cancel the marriage and apply for vater-schaft und sorgeret through the child since the Auslanderbeholden have been diaturbing him. So, please is it really possible for him to Cancel the marriage thing??? And if yes, how will him go about it and will they still ask him to go back to his country after cancelling the marriage? Please your answers will be highly Appreciated..
Dear @Obumkelly79, in order to keep information in one place, I would suggest that we discuss your question within the thread you opened (https://***.wefugees.de/807959/can-a-marriage-be-cancelled). I am sure, one of our experts will get back to you there very soon! Thank you for your understanding and all the best, Meike

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Hallo bellajimenezc,

it is not prohibited by the German law to make such an asylum application. You will be asked about your whereabouts after leaving your country and you must explain, why you couldn't stay in Argentina. If you have a good reason (either it was impossible, like you had no chance to have a residence permit and could only stay illegally, or it was dangerous or too hard surviving there), then Argentina won't be considered a safe third country for you. Besides, you can only be deported to Argentina, if this country agrees to take you. which is mostly only the case, if you have a valid residence permit there and Germany can prove it.

Nevertheless, I have no idea, if you have a real chance to get asylum or some other kind of protection in Germany. It is well known how desastrous the economical situation in Venezuella is, but you must belong to a very vulnerable group to make it believable that you can't survive there. If you want to prove that you are in danger of political prosecution, you must have a very good evidence; moreover, you must be able to prove that this danger exists in the whole territory of your country (that you haven't got a so called internal alternative, just moving from danger within your country).

If I'm not mistaken, the only federal country in Germany which deals with asylum applications of Venezuela citizens, is Saxonia (Sachsen). So it it advisable to make contact to consulting organisations there, perhaps they have to do with this question and know more. For example, Flüchtlingsrat Sachsen (Refugee Council Saxonia). I found the following Mail-address on the Website: asyl@sfrev.de

Good luck!

answered Jun 4, 2020 by Alla_fka
Many thanks for your explanations dear @alla_fka! :-)
@Alla_fka, please...Good morning Everyone.. please my cousin got married to a german lady for over 3years now and Auslanderbeholden have been asking him to go back to africa and come with family reunion visa.. But, he hve been refusing so, he wife had a kid for him now so, he was asking me if its possible for him to cancel the marriage and apply for vater-schaft und sorgeret through the child since the Auslanderbeholden have been diaturbing him. So, please is it really possible for him to Cancel the marriage thing??? And if yes, how will him go about it and will they still ask him to go back to his country after cancelling the marriage? Please your answers will be highly Appreciated..
Dear @Obumkelly79, in order to keep information in one place, I would suggest that we discuss your question within the thread you opened (https://***.wefugees.de/807959/can-a-marriage-be-cancelled). I am sure, one of our experts will get back to you there very soon! Thank you for your understanding and all the best, Meike
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