I’m from Ghana and I pass through the Mediterranean Sea to Italy
When I arrived in Italy they were processing my document.
In my first week in Italy, I came out for a short excursion in Rome but going back to my camp was difficult whilst I was trying to go back and it was getting late I met a man in his car and he stopped and asked me where I’m going, I told him and he said, he don’t know the location but he can bring me to stay with him in Germany
We had a long conversation and I was convince to join him
When we got here thing wasn’t like as he said so I left his place and came to Hamburg
Since then I have been worrying about how to get my document in Germany
When I got money here I decided to go back to Italy but the official at that camp in Italy made it clear to us that when you stay outside the camp more than a week count yourself of their camp as a member
So while I was wondering about my situation here I decided to read online how to get a permit here and I came across your page so I decided to write you for further details
Thank you
asked Apr 19, 2020 in Asylum proceedings by Christo2011 | 347 views

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Hello @Maxwell,

thank you for sharing your questions with us. In order to registrate and start the asylum procedure, please address to your nearest initial reception centre. Here are some fundamental guidelines from the Federal Office for Migration:

Important information on the application process for asylum seekers

At this branch office of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, asylum applications cannot currently be made in person. Until further notice, asylum applications can be submitted via the responsible initial reception centre.

Applying for asylum:

  •   Register at an initial reception centre in the federal state. There you will be is- sued a proof of arrival.

  •   At the initial reception centre you will receive a form to make an asylum appli- cation. Fill in the form.

  •   At the initial reception centre your proof of arrival will be copied and sent to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees together with your application.

  •   The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees will issue you a temporary resi- dence permit. With this you can stay in Germany. You are allowed to stay in the district which your reception centre is located in.

  •   The temporary residence permit will be handed to you at your reception centre together with written instructions on the asylum procedure.

  •   You will have to sign to confirm that you have received them.

  •   You will only have to collect your temporary residence permit from the Federal

    Office yourself on that day if you receive an appointment.

    Hearings are not currently being held in the asylum procedure:

    The personal hearings on the individual reasons for flight and the related further pro- cessing of asylum applications will take place as soon as this is possible again.

    The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is continuing to process the asylum applications already submitted. Notifications are sent by post.

    Further information

If you need the address of the centre which is resoponsible for you, please come back to us.

Of course, many new questions will arise. Italy is responsible for processiong your asylum procedure, so you probably you will have to undergo a Dublin procedure. Deportations to Italy are suspended at the moment due to the Corona crisis, so you will stay here until the situation improves. It might also happen that criminal proceedings concerning illegal border crossing are initiated, and your asylum application here will be most probably dismissed, as Italy is responsible. Then, no one knows when, you will have to finish the asylum in procedure in Italy.

Best regards
answered Apr 20, 2020 by mbeon-Christine
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