Ho recently I got new apartment. I need your advice to buy internet. I have 2 mobile and lap top  only. So I need basic internet without TV and must be cheap . Also Vodafone Unitymedia not available in my house address. And I don't have any router yet. Please recommend me good and cheap connection.
asked Mar 26, 2020 in Home & Living by Kaiser | 1,084 views

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Hello again @Kaiser, if you wish, you can take a **** ión this site: https://***.computerbild.de/technik/computer/dsl-wlan/tests/ I hope my answers were useful for you and I'll be very pleased if you contact me again with further questions. I'm a member of the MBEON-staff and I‘ll be glad to guide over a longer period of time. Mbeon is an online consultancy for migrants via the mbeon-app, which you can install on your smartphone for free. Download it via App Store or Google Play Store. You'll find me In the mbeon-app under my name „München, Frau Müller“ and get confidential one-to-one advice in a safe virtual room where nobody can wiretap messages. Further information: ***.mbeon.de. Best regards mbeon-Christine
answered Mar 26, 2020 by mbeon-Christine
0 votes

Hello dear Kaiser,

in which town or region do you live? It would be easier to answer your question, if you would tell it.

Thank you for your answer.

Yours sincerelly,

answered Mar 26, 2020 by mbe-on_Zsigó
58791 city. I just ordered o2 because only available was o2 and Deutsch telekom. Is it good?
Hello Kaiser,

O2 is good, but Telekom is the best one. But for home use O2 has to be good enough.

Yours sicerelly

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