asked Mar 13, 2020 in Legal advice by Siku | 511 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Hello @Siku, Thank you for sharing your question with the wefugees community. Just to get you right: Do we talk about the application procedure or have you already been granted asylum status on grounds of sexual orientation? Thanks for a brief clarification in advance. Best regards mbeon-Christine
answered Mar 16, 2020 by mbeon-Christine
0 votes
Thank you. My question was will I be treated differently in terms of procedure and chances of being granted asylum if I come form safe country of origin but homosexual? Will I be for example dismissed as unfounded because I come from safe country of origin even when I have all the evidence to show persecution on grounds of sexual orientation?
answered Mar 16, 2020 by Siku
During the hearing you will be given the opportunity to show all your proofs and substantiate your application. So there is a chance to get asylum even if you come from a so called safe country. Nevertheless, the hearing must be thoroughly prepared. Please seek for help in your nearest asylum consultation centre of your local refugee council and undergo a preparation training, if available at your place If you have further question or need the adresses, please write aganin.
Thank you for the valuable information.
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