Me and my boyfriend have tried to make vaterschaft in Jugendamt but they refused him because he is illegal and no ausweis. Actually his asyl was in another state before he came illegal and I live also in another state. I am German and I have baby for him now , he have his Nigeria passport and his birth certificate with him now , will the Notar or Jugendamt accept to do it for him with it since he is illegal?  When we went to the Jugendamt, we didn't tell them that he have Nigeria passport and birth certificate. They only say they can't make vaterschaft for him because he have no ausweis.  Please I need help. And how much does Notar charges if it's possible they can make for him the vaterschaft with his passport . Thanks . The lawyer we are using is not doing anything . Please we need help .
asked Feb 16, 2020 in Legal advice by Angelika | 6,540 views
Have you got any help and have you made Vaterschaft.. plz help i am in the same Problem

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3 Answers

0 votes
Yes he can make the VaterschaftAnerkennung at the Notar or Jugendamt but without passport he won’t be allowed .Thank you
answered Feb 16, 2020 by Tony1111
Do you live near Hamburg???
@Tony1111 Does Notar ask for baby certificate after the baby is born before they can make the vaterschaft? Which documents, me and my woman will take to the Notar office?
@Tony1111 I live in Rheine , NordRhein westfallen.
Try to visit Caritas, they will help with numbers for lawyers around your area.. dnt give your passport yet..
@Tony1111, I tried to make the vaterschaft at Notar but they didn't do it because they ask me to bring any Germany immigration ausweis that show my address . So what should I do?
0 votes

Dear Angelika,

thank you for sharing your question with the wefugees community. A lot of information was already given by others, let me summarize for you:

1. Vaterschatsanerkennung can be done either at Jugendamt or at the Notary. Theoretical, the requirements are the same and they work according to the same laws. It's free at Jugendamt,a t the Notary it's around 80 Euros.

2. The father of the child doesn't need a Meldeadresse (It's also not possible in all Towns/Villages to get a Meldeadresse without a valid residence permit (e.g. in my Town it is not possible) or  it is possible that Meldeamt is going to inform Ausländeramt which might lead to deportation).

3. The father and the mother need a valid ID document. That can be a passport, a duldung or a Aufenthaltsgestattung. A visa in the passport is not necessary. If the mother is German, of course a German ID (Personalausweis is enough). If the father has an expired German Document it might be a good choice to take it along.

4. The Notary/ Jugendamt will have to assess if the Vaterschaftsanerkennung is only done for financial gain or resident permit/citizenship reasons. If they have that suspicion (which they would have in your case),  then they most definitely stop the process of Vaterschaftsanerkennung and have to involve Ausländeramt to check if there is a misuse of Vaterschaftsanerkennung according to §1597 BGB Abs. 2:

"Bestehen konkrete Anhaltspunkte für eine missbräuchliche Anerkennung der Vaterschaft, hat die beurkundende Behörde oder die Urkundsperson dies der nach § 85a des Aufenthaltsgesetzes zuständigen Behörde nach Anhörung des Anerkennenden und der Mutter mitzuteilen und die Beurkundung auszusetzen." 

Jugendamt/Notary are not allowed to confiscate the passport of your boyfriend or give a photocopy to the Ausländeramt. But they are allowed to tell Ausländeramt that your boyfriend has a passport. I verified that procedure with A Jugendamts-Employee. If you are scared due to the fact that maybe Jugendamt and Ausländeramt are in the same building and you don't trust their Datenschutz-efforts, you are free to choose the Notary for the Vaterschaftsanerkennung.

5. During the verification process done by Ausländeramt, the father can not be deported accrding to  §60a Abs.2 S.4 AufenthG:

 "Soweit die Beurkundung der Anerkennung einer Vaterschaft oder der Zustimmung der Mutter für die Durchführung eines Verfahrens nach § 85a ausgesetzt wird, wird die Abschiebung des ausländischen Anerkennenden, der ausländischen Mutter oder des ausländischen Kindes ausgesetzt, solange das Verfahren nach § 85a nicht durch vollziehbare Entscheidung abgeschlossen ist."

The process is described in detail in a circular by the ministry of justice (21.12.2017): https://***.asyl.net/fileadmin/user_upload/dokumente/26484w.pdf 

6. Be aware that the process to legalize someones stay in Germany can be quite difficult and you can not be sure not to be deported after Vaterschaftsanerkennung and to apply for family reunion from your country of origin after the Vaterschaftsanerkennung is accepted. Therefore, it might be a good idea to consult a lawyer for Ausländerrecht (migration law). The respective refugee organization (Flüchtlingsrat) in your state might have a list of good lawyers. 



I hope my answers were helpful and I would be very happy if you would contact me again with further questions. I'm a consultant with mbeon and I‘ll be glad to help you over a longer period of time. Mbeon is an online advice for migrants via the mbeon app, which you can install on your smartphone for free. Download it from App Store or Google Play Store. You can find me in the mbeon app and get confidential individual advice in a secure virtual space without other people reading our conversation. Further information: ***.mbeon.de.

answered Feb 18, 2020 by Marco_MBE
@mbeon-Bernd I also try using my Nigeria passport at the Notary office but they do not do it. The man said I should bring immigration ausweis like duldung or the one that is Germany ausweis. Should I try another Notar? I am illegal and I do not have ausweis to do it that's why I tried the Notar
@mbeon-Bernd, if I try another Notar and they ask for address which address will I give them because this first one ask for address and a valid Germany ausweis be it asylum or any but I don't have those . I am illegal
@mbeon-Bernd how can we do it when there is no address for an illegal person?
@mbeon-Bernd do you hear what I said , why no reply ? I tried using my Nigeria passport at the Notar office but they said it's not enough that they need my ausweis either duldung or any immigration ausweis from Germany that show my address . Now that I don't have address what should I do?

@Angelika @David123 

as far as I'm aware, there is no need to have a Meldeaddresse (registered address) or a valid German ID document for Vaterschaftsanerkennung. At least you should mention the address of the mother as your postal adress. If you have an expired German ID Document (Aufenthaltsgestattung, Duldung), take it along, too. The Notary/ Jugendamt will then most definitly stop the process of Vaterschaftsanerkennung and has to involve Ausländeramt to check if there is a misuse of Vaterschaftsanerkennung according to §1597 BGB Abs. 2:

"Bestehen konkrete Anhaltspunkte für eine missbräuchliche Anerkennung der Vaterschaft, hat die beurkundende Behörde oder die Urkundsperson dies der nach § 85a des Aufenthaltsgesetzes zuständigen Behörde nach Anhörung des Anerkennenden und der Mutter mitzuteilen und die Beurkundung auszusetzen." 

During the verification process done by Ausländeramt, the father can not be deported accrding to  §60a Abs.2 S.4 AufenthG:

 "Soweit die Beurkundung der Anerkennung einer Vaterschaft oder der Zustimmung der Mutter für die Durchführung eines Verfahrens nach § 85a ausgesetzt wird, wird die Abschiebung des ausländischen Anerkennenden, der ausländischen Mutter oder des ausländischen Kindes ausgesetzt, solange das Verfahren nach § 85a nicht durch vollziehbare Entscheidung abgeschlossen ist. "

The process is described in detail in a circular by the ministry of justice (21.12.2017): https://***.asyl.net/fileadmin/user_upload/dokumente/26484w.pdf 

-> I would advice you to try again, maybe at a different Jugendamt or Notary. Maybe they just don’t want the hassle. Be aware that the process to legalize someones stay in Germany can be quite difficult and you can not be sure not to be deported after Vaterschaftsanerkennung and to apply for family reunion from your country of origin after the Vaterschaftsanerkennung is accepted. 

Therefore, it might be a good idea to consult a lawyer for Ausländerrecht (migration law). The respective refugee organization (Flüchtlingsrat) in your state might have a list of good lawyers. 



I hope my answers were helpful and I would be very happy if you would contact me again with further questions. I'm a consultant with mbeon and I‘ll be glad to help you over a longer period of time. Mbeon is an online advice for migrants via the mbeon app, which you can install on your smartphone for free. Download it from App Store or Google Play Store. You can find me in the mbeon app and get confidential individual advice in a secure virtual space without other people reading our conversation. Further information: ***.mbeon.de.


f I do vaterschaft and soregerect , can I still be deported ? 

Yes, but it's less likely. You should be in good contact with the Ausländeramt. If you want to be sure, contact a migration lawyer.

For the family reunion visa, if I may go back , must I pass the A1 course before they will grant me the visa? 

Contrary to a Visum to reunite with your german spouse, for a Visum to reunit with your german child, you don´t need a A1 Certificate.  But since you are planning to live in Germany, you should definitely learn German (since you are already able to read and write English, it should not be too difficult)

Will I pay for the flight ticket to go back willingly and apply for family visa? Because I don't have money to pay to go back to Nigeria . 

You'll have to pay

What document do I need to come back fast to Germany? 

You'll find the information in the following Document on the German embassy page: https://nigeria.diplo.de/blob/1586144/6cc03b37c095121647c8341f43b9bb27/checklist-joining-german-child-data.pdf

What if they said I should go back and I fight them in court, and my woman apply for depression in hospital and the depression letter is giving to my lawyer , will they change their mind and let me stay? 

Regarding this question, you should consult a lawyer

When me and my woman apply for marriage , will they still change their mind in going back and coming with family reunion visa?

I don't really understand your question.

In general,   I would advise you to consult a lawyer for migration law to discuss your specific case.



I hope my answers were helpful and I would be very happy if you would contact me again with further questions. I'm a consultant with mbeon and I‘ll be glad to help you over a longer period of time. Mbeon is an online advice for migrants via the mbeon app, which you can install on your smartphone for free. Download it from App Store or Google Play Store. You can find me in the mbeon app and get confidential individual advice in a secure virtual space without other people reading our conversation. Further information: ***.mbeon.de.

@mbeon-Bernd thanks
Oga felise abeg we get talk o...serious one...I dey NRW. Your contact info will be highly appreciated....any means is fine by me...telegram, watsap or email...my pho ne num ber dey this forum also.

Thanks bro
0 votes
I am illage immigrant due to corona crisis l can't find a place for asylum and my girlfriend is pregnancy and job centre wanted my address for (vaterschaft) l  don't have a document. Someone has guaranteed to offer me a apartment and address to do  (vaterschaftanerkennung ) It is possible for me to use apartment and address for( vaterschaftanerkennung ) in  notar  office  without passport
answered May 6, 2020 by Evans
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