Dear @Miko,
Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for sharing your question.
Of course, refugees can get married in Germany, regardless of the partners's nationality. As long as the spouse is not a German or EU citizen, this would most probably also not have an effect on the refugee status or residence permit.
Please have a **** at our blog on this topic. You will find more details on the required documents and the procedure here.
If your future spouse wants to live in Germany also, applying for a family unification visa might be an option (after the marriage). Conditions regarding this type of visa vary, as you, for example, may need to demonstrate, that you can cover your and your partner's costs of living, having a sufficient income, respectively.
Would you agree or do you want to add anything @mbeon-Ruth or @mbe-on_Zsigó?
All the best,