I am asylum seeker in Germany. I have monthly social money from rathaus. If I start part time job mean time up to 480 euro will rathaus stop my monthly social money?? I do understand if I found full time job they'll stop my social money. How it works for part time.
asked Feb 7, 2020 in Asylum proceedings by Kaiser | 998 views

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Dear @Kaiser

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community! 

If you receive social money and start to work, they will re-calculate and cut the social money accordingly. You have to report them about your new financial situation. At the end, it is not important whether you work full or part time. However, the authorities will not take into consideration the full amount of your salary and you can "keep" a part of it. At the end, any income of you and your close family members (if living/staying together) will be relevant for the calculation of the social money. 

Still, having a job and gaining work experience in general has of course many positive effects on your future perspectives in Germany and I would always recommend it. 

Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Feb 7, 2020 by Meike
I agree with you. I am willing to work. But I am afraid to go to Ausländerbehörde. Because I have Duldung due to DUBLIN
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