My husband has been in Germany for six years, he did his Master's in InfoTech at the University of Stuttgart and has a blue card.
We applied for a family reunion in March 2019, had interview November 019. Received identity verification complete in January 2020. What do we expect next and how long are we likely to wait. Is there anything we can do to hasten the process.
asked Feb 6, 2020 in Other Questions by Claudia79 | 636 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Claudia79

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and sorry for the late reply. 

Unfortunately, family reunification is in the most cases a quite long and nerve stretching procedure. 

Regarding identity verification, I assume that the German authorities wanted to double check your documents, right? But as you had the interview already and your documents have been legalized an approved, from my point of view, waiting for the visa issuing is everything you can do right now. The waiting time also varies from embassy to embassy (consulate). 

In the meantime, you might have received an answer already!? 

Please feel free to update or get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Mar 6, 2020 by Meike
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