If I may ask to go back to my home country and come back with family reunion visa because I have a German child in Germany  and I decide to go back , my question , if I go back  and if my German girlfriend is not working,  that is depending on job centre , will that prevent them for issuing me the visa?

How long will it take for the family reunion visa to be granted if I decided to go?  

Last question .

Will my illegally staying before getting duldung because of my German child prevent me from getting a resident permit if they don't ask me to go and come back with family reunion visa?  Or will it prevent them for issuing me the visa if I am in my country because I have lived illegal in Germany before ?
closed with the note: No reply
asked Feb 21, 2020 in Legal advice by felise | 937 views
Hi bro, did you end up back in Germany with a visa and how did you apply for family reunification, I'm in the same boat as you and I'm especially interested to know, please leave your contact info thanks!

1 Answer

0 votes
You do not have to work and earning enough money for getting a family reunification visa for a German child. But you must have also the "Personensorge" How long the visa procedure takes depends on the respective German embassy. If you are accused of an illicit stay or misrepresentation, it could result in your visa not being issued. Then you might have to protest or complain.
answered Apr 12, 2020 by Juana Steberl
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