Hello everyone,
I am having Aufenthaltsgestatung and got admitted for a bachelor's degree and I am still trying to get admission for a master degree, on the other hand recently I got negative decision from BAMF and now I appealed and waiting for my second interview/court.
Am I allowed to get enrolled at the university? after enrollment will I receive deportation ban (Duldung) to finish my studies? and will I be receiving the social benefits or will they stop? And at the last but not least can I change the state I live to another state that I get university admission?
Thanks in advance
closed with the note: The Question has been settled
asked Dec 23, 2019 in Education by liebenleben | 1,381 views

Dear @aminrezaya

Thank you for reaching out to the Wefugees community. 

I found the following thread (https://***.wefugees.de/800473/study-german-universities-duldung-aufenthaltsgestattung?show=800473#q800473) on this platform, in which the topic of studying as a Duldung-holder was already discussed. You may find already your answers here. 

However, also feel free to get back to us with any further questions. I am sure, that our experts are happy to respond latest after the public holidays. 

All the best, 


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