Dear wefugees team, thanks for the great job everyone here is doing. Please  I am just finished my driving license and still going to integration school but my problem is,  I am looking for where I can get loan to get myself a car so that,  it can be easy for me to go to work when I start working. I have tried alot of them online but I shouldn't find the one I can get money while I am not working. Please I am here to ask if anyone have idea of any website.  Thanks
asked Dec 7, 2019 in Money by Denny28 | 1,210 views

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2 Answers

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Hello, nice of you to decide to seek help here at Wefugees. I am a consultant at mbeon, an online consulting company of MBE (Migrationsberatung für erwachsene Zuwanderer).

If I understood you correctly, are you currently in the integration course, is the course in the morning? Then you could take on a part-time job in the afternoon.  Or would you like to know where you can get a loan?

Many Greetings, Kiki

Please feel free to contact me again. I would be happy to answer your further questions. In case you need a confidential consultation you can also write me at mbeon, which provides advice for adult immigrants in Germany via an app. Download the app at Google Play or  App Store and get in touch with me or 160 other migration advisors. It's free of charge, anonymous, data secure and you can get advice in 15 different languages. Find more information here: ***.mbeon.de.

answered Dec 17, 2019 by mbeon_Kiki
Hello mbeon_kiki, thank you for your answer.  Please the integration course starts 13:00 to 16:45 and I am also have mornings course for forklift  license in one company  as practical which will finish by the end of March 2020 too. So i can not get enough time to work for now.   I would be grateful if you can help me to know where to get the loan when I am not working. Thanks
0 votes
Sometimes it is possible to get a loan for a car from the social benefit institution, but this must be well justified. This means that you must be able to certify that you need the car to start work (employment contract). But it is not certain that it will work.
answered Dec 18, 2019 by mbeon_Kiki

Dear @mbeon_kiki

Many thanks for your reply and a very warm welcome to the Wefugees Community! 

We are already looking forward to hear from you again! 

Happy Christmas days and best wishes, 


mbeon App

Confidential one-on-one consultations via App

For confidential one-on-one consultations in a secure virtual space, we work with mbeon. You can download the mbeon app free of charge from the App Store or Google Play Store and have private conversations with mbeon consultants there:

Link for iPhone
Link for Android

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