Hallo, l am asylum seeker here in Germany and still living in camp. and my partner is a Swedish citizen and reside in Sweden now. He is planning to relocate to Germany soon. We  want to get  married, how can we do that? Is it possible for us to get married within the EU or here in Germany? l am still waiting for my asylum decision. l don't have Dublin and during process, l submitted my passport and original birth certificate and Identity Card to BAMF. Please l need your best advice if also l am eligible to get married whilst waiting for the decision. Thank you
asked Dec 7, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by kathy | 5,366 views
What if i have no passport to provide for this procedure and have only the residence permit given by BAMF. What is the procedure then?
you cant marry without a passport..

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Dear @kathy

thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugees Community!

First of all, congratulations on your upcoming wedding! 

To answer your general question: Yes, you can get married as an asylum seeker. You can do it in Germany if your husband wants to relocate to Germany. If you get married, your marriage will also be accepted in the rest of Europe and even beyond. To get married in Germany you will need some documents such as your passport, your birth certificate and in general a so called "Ehefähigkeitsbescheinigung" or "Ledigkeitsbescheinigung" from your home country (it´s a kind of proof of your home country that you aren´t married already). For the marriage you will have to go to the "Standesamt" (registry office) close to you. They will also tell you about the documents they need from you. 

I hope this answer was helpful. Please don´t hesitate getting back to the Wefugees Community if you have further questions!

All the best


Note: Please keep in mind that we can´t provide qualified legal advice via the internet and that any information given can´t replace such legal advice.

answered Dec 9, 2019 by InfoVerbund
Thank you Melina,
l went to Standesamt and they said they will write me a letter after 4-6 weeks, They asked me of my passport and birth certificate.  After 6 weeks thats when l will get more in depth of more information. l think l will start processing the Ehefähigkeitsbescheinigung tomorrow because it might take long process from my home country if l don't do it on time.

Dear @kathy

As the topic of “marrying in Germany” is much discussed here, we also wrote a blog on it. You may find some additional helpful information there (https://***.google.de/amp/s/wefugees.wordpress.***/2018/04/20/heiraten-in-deutschland-how-to-marry/amp/). 

All the best, 


Thank you Meike,
l saw this link you sent:
Keep in mind that foreign documents (e.g. certificates of birth) need to be translated into German additionally before you submit them. The best way is to commission an officially recognized translator. Translations that have been made abroad might not get recognized by German authorities.
****Can l have the birth certificate translated at the Germany  Embassy in my country or it only has to be translated here in Germany?
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