Hello , my asylum is refused 5 months ago but I am working as a chef in a restaurant since2017 full time.. I am not in any benefit also I pay around€500 tax every month .. is there any possibility for me to get visa on work please?
asked Sep 5, 2019 in Work by Nimnas | 981 views

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Dear @NImnas,

Thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugee Community!

From January 2020 onwards, there will be a new law referring to the so-called "Beschäftigungsduldung" (§60c AufenthG), which might be relevant for your situation. 

If you fulfill requirements as (among others),

- holding a Duldung for at least 12 months,

- working for at least 35 hours per week (since 18 months incl. social insurance coverage)

- covering all of your living costs (since at least 12 months)

- sufficient German skills (min. B1)

- and a clarified identity,

you might qualify (in future) for this status. Please check this document for more details.

Regarding a work visa, if you are already in Germany, you can not apply for any visa in general, as they are basically a permission to enter a country. This could, however, be an option in case you might be back in your country of origin one day. For this scenario, it will be important to avoid any ban to re-enter the country, i.e. as a consequence of deportation.

Please feel free to get back to us with any further questions!

All the best,


answered Sep 6, 2019 by Meike
Thank you very much for your help
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