Hello, good afternoom and how are you guys doing hope fine, I just finish from the court July 26th for my Appeal after 2 years and a half months negative. After the hearing the judge said that he can  not deport me cos I have a family here, my kids have 3 years Aufenthalterlaubis and Blue passport. So the judge also tell.me to keep working, and learn german and integrated very well. Then he wish me good luck. Right now I am 6 years in Germany and I'm working and my Aufenthaltgestatung will expire September 3. What are my chances??
asked Aug 14, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by Gago | 537 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Gago,

Thank you for sharing your situation with the Wefugee Community!

What exactly was the outcome at the court then? Did they decide to reject your asylum application and issue a "Duldung"? Normally, you are only holding an "Aufenthaltsgestattung" as long as your case is still pending. Maybe the judge was trying to tell you that you should integrate etc. to be able to apply for another residence permit in a few years as soon as you fulfill certain requirements. Check, for example, the residence permit according to section 25b of the German residence law. On the website I linked here, you will find the respective details and requirements. 

I hope this helps and please get back to us if you want to discuss your questions further.

All the best,


answered Aug 16, 2019 by Meike
Thanks for your urgent reply, I'm still having the Aufenthaltgestatung which is due to expire by by September and my Aufenthaltgestatung is 6months duration. After the hearing from the court the judge did not give me an answer immediately but only point out clear that Asylum are only giving to political reason's or Religious reasons. So therefore him and others will **** into the hearing from me. I have A1 level, my family have 3 years Aufenthalterlaubis with Blue passport. We are not living under the state as my partner is working and I'm working.  The only money we got from the state is the Kindergeld right of my kids.  I have already submitted my passport since last year August and the copy of my passport and working contracts is with the Auslanderbehorde also the copy if my children and partner Resident. So therefore my lawyer have once told me to get an A2 so he can apply for Intergtated residency since I'm I'm aboved 5 years in Germany and I have a son who is 5 years old.  Please clerify more
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