So I am a 22 year old Canadian studying online through a Canadian college and came to Germany for 90 days to travel and visit friends. After being here for a while I decided I wanted to stay longer and looked into applying for the Youth Mobility Visa. However, when I had my appointment at the foreigners office to apply today, it seemed that they didn't actually know what that was and instead are making me apply for a residence permit.

I knew the process for applying for this Visa because I had researched it a lot, and the forms they had me fill out were not the correct ones for the Visa.

They basically took my papers and my money and said I would get a letter in 3 weeks with a PIN and gave me a pamphlet about the "electronic residence permit".

I have no idea if this means I will for sure get a residence permit in the first place, or if I am rejected will I get my $100 euros back?

It's all very confusing and I have no idea what to do because all the information I have read about applying for the Youth Mobility Visa says you receive it upon application if you are approved. As well you can work under this visa and stay in Germany for up to a year.

I feel like my odds for being approved for a residence permit are pretty low, but for the Visa it would have been pretty high since it is a visa specifically for young Canadians wishing to stay in Germany for tourism and cultural discovery.

I have no one to ask all of my questions to because I don't speak enough German and I'm just annoyed and confused about this whole process.
asked Feb 11, 2019 in Other Questions by gillian.larissa | 2,397 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @gillian.larissa,

Welcome to the Wefugees community. I understand that dealing with German authorities can be quite frustrating, especially if you don't speak the language.

As you may have seen, this platform mainly focuses on asylum proceedings and on questions around refugees arriving and living in Germany. So I'm not sure this is the best platform to share your experience - it might be helpful to reach out to an expat/ student platform where Canadians exchange living and arriving in Germany!

However, I had a quick **** for you and found this more detailed explanation on what to do to apply for a Youth Mobility Visa by a Berlin Service website: https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/305265/en/

The website states that applying for this visa while you are already in Germany is possible, so that shouldn't have been a problem. Please scroll down on the website and **** at the form "Antrag auf Erteilung eines Aufenthaltstitels" in English. Did the form you filled out **** like that? If you are certain that the forms you filled out were the wrong ones, reach out to them again and explain that issue.

The fees for the residence permit for the Youth Mobility Visa are €56 and the visa will generally be issued on the same day, as the website states. However, it's 44€ more for issuing the electronic residence permit (eAT) = 100€ in total. 

You're not a student there, but it would probably be fine if you reach out to the international study service of my university, who support people with questions around visas:

Visaservice | Internationales Büro
Internationaler Club „Orbis Humboldtianus“
Unter den Linden 6, Raum 1071, Erdgeschoss
10117 Berlin

Tel.: (+49 30) 20 93-46 746 (during office hours)

Tuesday: 14:30-15:30h phone hours

E-Mail: visaservice@hu-berlin.de
Web: ***.international.hu-berlin.de/orbis/visaservice

I hope that this helps for now. With any further questions regarding what exactly you applied for, please reach out to the Foreigners Office again and ask them about your application - or let a person from the study service help you out (to talk to them in German, for example). 

All the best,


answered Feb 18, 2019 by Isa
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