Hello again,

It has been almost 11 months since we submitted an appeal to the courts. Our lawyer has submitted the appeal around the end of November 2017, and we received a letter from the courts around December 2017 that the courts have received our appeal. We went to Exil yesterday and we were told that we will soon be receiving a court date (her estimate is between December 2018 and January 2019). But we have been reading news that people actually receive court dates after 2 to 3 years. We also have read that the courts have become slower and slower because of the influx of appeals.

My question is, how long is it really for us to receive a court date? And if what do we need to do in order to prepare?

asked Nov 2, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by someoneingermany | 1,940 views
In which state is your court?

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2 Answers

0 votes
Dear @someoneingermany, thank you for sharing your situation with us in the community, as I am sure that many people are facing the same situation like you. Yes it is sometimes the case that people wait for more than 2 years for their date, however you can fast-track it slighlty by sending letters and referring to the obstacles you and your family are facing with the sttus you are having right now( those obstacles could be health issues, eductaional issues or work issues). If you do not "bother" the court they do not treat your case as urgent. I hope this answers your question, if you need further guidance please do not hesitate to contact the community. Best regards, Nilab
answered Nov 4, 2018 by Nilab
Thank you very much, @Nilab!
0 votes


It really depends on which state you live in and which administrative court is responsible for your case/file, but from my personal experience I'm sorry to tell you that in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) it can take at least 2 years (I won't name the perspective court). This is all from my personal experience and what happened to me, but I have close friends and their files are pending for more than 3 years in Düsldrf (...) and they still haven't received any answer.

Many people told me to talk to a lawyer and that a lawyer can do this and that, but it is really unfortunate that when it goes to court, a lawyer cannot speed up the process one bit. All my lawyer could do was to ask the court, "This (...) higher court said this and that (...) higher court said that, so when are you going to apply it." To which the court replied, "When your number comes up." lol

By the way, I am not saying that lawyers are not helpful, they really are, and I recommend everyone to have a lawyer when their Dublin or refusal case is in court, but what I am saying is that they cannot put pressure on the court.

I hope you will be patient and not put off other motives in your life until you get an answer from the court or a residence permit.
Go to school (at least try to get a Realschulabschluss or go further and get Fachabi or Abitur and study), learn the language if you can, get a job if you have a work permit, and so on - all this does not depend on your residence permit in most cases.
 I know people who don't have a residence permit but get a work permit within 6 months because Germany needs more workers....

I hope you learned something from my experience and I wish you all the best.

Please do not take my advice as professional in any way and I do not want to make anyone hopeless, my only motive is that you do not wait for A to get B when you can get B without waiting for A.

With kind regards 

answered Feb 4, 2023 by Hamid
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