Hello, I want to ask about immigration law in Germany I have heard that the German government is thinking about for change the law in immigration is that true like who have ausbildung or fixed contract or have some skills they will not be deported to the homeland and German government give them visas is that true or fake news?
asked Oct 23, 2018 in Other Questions by Adi | 1,447 views

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Dear @Adi, thank you for your question the so called Einwanderungsgesetz has been proposed in particular in order to facilitate a legal immigration through work. And moreoverit allows the 3 plus 2 Ausbildung option. That means that for those who have a Duldung and start an Ausbildung, they can finish it and then have the option to work fow two years and then to apply for Aufenthaltserlaubnis. But it not yet there as a document, as soon as it will be, we will publish it on our website. Best regards, Nilab
answered Nov 18, 2018 by Nilab
So that means rejected asylum seekers who are working from a year or more, paying taxes and managing their expenses byself and integrated in German society will not be entertained?
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