Dear All,

I have been in Germany total of 5 years out of which past 4 years I had my refugee Aufenthaltstitle and Refugee blue pass and for past 3 years I am working and have Unbefrisstet and have done B1 as well, so my question was can I apply for Niederlassungs ? According to the library of congress I do qualify for it but do I have to have paid 60 renteversicherung and must I have had Aufenthalttitel for 5 years or the time for processing my application is also included?

Some concrete information would be very appreciated. Thanks.
asked Oct 23, 2018 in Legal advice by AliA2k | 539 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @AliA2k, thank you for sharing your question with us here. As for your question the 5 years start counting from the day you received your Aufenthaltstitel; so in your case you have to wait another year. And you have to have been working in a tax payed job for 60 months in total in order to have success. I hope I could answer your question, if you need further clearification please do not hesitate to address them here. Best regards, Nilab
answered Oct 23, 2018 by Nilab
But can I still apply for Niederlassungs if I can complete my Deutsch C1 exam, even though it has been more than 1 year after my first extension of aufenthaltstitel? And I have been in Deutschland for more than 5 years?
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