My brother is now in Poland. He came in Poland with working visa, type-D. Now he has a Temporary Residence Permit (TRP) for three years there in Poland. He has got a job letter from a German company. And I also can manage a job for him if he comes in Germany.

Questions: Can he process everything coming in Germany and submit the documents for the visa? Or he'll have to face the interview in German Embassy in Poland? Or actually what's the procedures?

PS: Is there any opportunity for him to come in Germany and process the German working visa with that job letter? It'll be more convenient for him.  

I hope you've got my point. It'll be of great help and appreciable if you can help me. Looking forward to your answer.

asked Oct 17, 2018 in Work by Sab | 807 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Dear @Sab, thank you for being such a vibrant part of the community and sharing your brothers situation with us. As for your question, he can only do it from the embassy in Poland. You might wanna process the part from the German employer at the Ausländerbehörde but he needs to get the visa applictaion at the embassy. I hope this will help you, if there is more information needed fell free to use the platform. Best regards, Nilab
answered Oct 18, 2018 by Nilab
Thanks Nilab, what are the chances of getting the visa? And what are the general documents need to be submitted in the embassy?
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