Hi, please I'm asylum seeker with a negative, they don't renew my Aufenthalt since my first 3 months expired and am 6 months  and two weeks now. They have been deporting people in the same situation like mine so i got scared and move out to my girlfriend's house since she is 2months pregnant. I am confused if i should stay there or i should go back to the camp if its safe or i still have chance. Please help me.
asked Oct 16, 2018 in Home & Living by Kwaku | 988 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Kwaku, thank you for your question. The best thing to do in your case, is to get a Vaterschaftsanerkennung und Sorgerechterklärung from the local Jugendamt and then ask the Lageso to move officially to your girlfriend, who is pregnant with a child from you. I hope I could help you, if you need further assistance please let me know. Best regards, Nilab
answered Oct 18, 2018 by Nilab
Thank you very much@ Nilab. Please if anything I will be happy to ask for your help. Best regards. Kwaku.
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