Hello all :)
I have applied for asylum before 7 months my case got rejected...i take a lawyer and he made a request for a residence permit based on humanittarian reasons cause of my dieases,after that i wait for 2 months and i didnt get any answer...i decided cause the camp doctor was really negative person even when the hospital said to make some checks he always refuses...i came from a safe country now i want to seek asylum again where will i be sent i dont want to go at same camp is any possibility to grant asyl?
asked Oct 12, 2018 in Legal advice by Eri | 496 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Eri

thank you for sharing your situation with us in the community. 

According to the following law you can apply a second time for asylum, the so called "Folgeantrag": 


If the factual and legal situation deteriorates dramatically after your first asylum procedure, you can apply for a Subsequent Asylum Application („Asylfolgeantrag “). A change of the government in your home country or the detention of a family member are some examples of such case. You can also apply for a Subsequent Asylum Application if the symptoms of a severe, unidentified war trauma start to reveal itself in you. Such conditions may provide new grounds for a right to asylum or, at the very least, a ban on deportation under Section 60 (7) of the Residence Act. You will have to personally apply for a Subsequent Asylum Application at BAMF's outpost office, located inside the Initial reception facility in which you probably used to live. If you have travelled outside Germany in the meanwhile, upon submission of a subsequent asylum application, you would have to reside for a maximum of six months in an initial accommodation facility, and the residence limitations apply to you again.

I hope we could assist you, if you need further guidance please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Best regards, 


answered Oct 12, 2018 by Nilab
Thank you very much for your answer it was really helpfull...yes i have moved out of germany but i really dont want to go again in the same federal state can i do something to change
Can you please let me know if u got further information about if i can change the federal state
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