Hello everybody here in the platform, i am writing on behalf of a friend of mine, who was deported back to Italy 2 weeks ago from Magdeburg, because of the Dublin process.

And open his arrival at Italy, he was taken into prison, under the reason that he was having  a pending prison term sentence.

So now his girlfriend is living here  in German, and as a german she wanted to marry him, and she told me to ask, is there any chance or possibility of doing that, or under which circumstances can it be possible?

And if its even logic to find a an immigration lawyer for him here in Germany after his deportation and his absent to work on his asylum and return?

your quick response will be very much helpful to us!

best regards

asked Oct 3, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Moro | 771 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Yaffa

thank you for sharing the question with the community. 

As for the question of your friend: 

As your friend is in prison in Italy right now and has been just deported back and I dont knonw if his asylum claim had been rejected in Italy or if the process has not yet started, it is very difficult to give a good answer. 

In regards of the marriage between your friend and the german lady, here are some general Informations, that were already discussed in the community: 


In addition you can read through this website that contains quite a lot of interesting information about marriage in Italy. It gives a more detailed overview of the documents you need to hand in than the answer linked above:


I'll give you a summary of the most important points here real quick:

You have to hand in all required documents, that have to be translated into Italian and certified by an Italian Consular Officer. 

These documents are:

- your passport
- your birth certificate
- a divorce certificate ("sentenza di divorzio") (if you were married before)
- or certificate of death (if you were married before and your partner died)
- and, if one or both of you is underage, a sworn statement of consent to the marriage by the parents or legal guardians.
To get more detailed information about the procedure and the requirements, it's probably best to get in touch with the Italian registry office that you want to get married at.

And in regards of the question whether to get a lawyer- I would suggest to get a lawyer in Italy rather than Germany, as the biggest upstacles are in Italy. 

I hope I could help you, if you need further informations please do not hesitate to let us know. 

Best regards, 


answered Oct 4, 2018 by Nilab
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