I am asylum seeker here in Germany in reception
Center and my fiancee is a German citizen, she  want me to live with her at home and get married, how can we do that? Is it possible for us to get married outside German but within the EU or here in Germany? Please i need your best advice
asked Sep 8, 2018 in Legal advice by Marviswhite | 6,195 views

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1 Answer

+2 votes
Normally as an Asylum Seeker in a Eu country you aren't allowed to travel outside of that  EU country until you are already acknowledged as a Refugee or with other Protections like Subsidiary and Humanitarian Protections. So you won't be allowed to Marry elsewhere in the EU. Denmark would have been the easiest EU country for you to get married. But the Danish law requires you to already have a valid Eu Residence Permits or a valid Schengen visa. You should try getting married here in Germany. below are the most important Documents for getting Married in Germany.
(1) Passport
(2)Birth certificate
(3) Certificate of No impediment, Bachelorhood Certificate, in German ehefähigkeitszeugnis
(4)Previous divorce degree Certificate if you were previously married. try and Legalise   the Documents or Apostille them at the Ministry of Foreign affairs in your home country as Germany wants most foreign Documents from outside the Eu to be officially Legalised before it can be used here. depending on your country you can send your family members to help you legalise the Documents.
Read the below links carefully, it was prepared by the Wefugees team. it contains almost everything you have to know about getting married in Germany.
Best regards
answered Sep 8, 2018 by Nelly Overcomer
Thank you Nelly for always sharing your knowledge about the marriage procedure! :)
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