Hello,I am looking for an Ausbuldung (taught in English language) around Weilheim-Oberbayern,preferable in IT language or any sector.
Any reliable information pleas.
asked Aug 30, 2018 in Education by Kim mimi | 1,352 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello Kim

Nice to hear from you again.

You can use search engines to find an Ausbildung. For example these ones:



Usually Ausbildung is going to be held in German, but of course you can send them your application and ask about the possibility of being taught in English. Keep in mind that the German training system is dual, which means that you spend half the time at school and half the time working with the company. School is going to be taught in German. So maybe it's the better option to learn German first, for example with an integration course.

Best regards,


answered Aug 31, 2018 by Thor
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