asked Aug 11, 2018 in Legal advice by PrayForBetterLife | 2,303 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Yes Refugees with Austrian Refugee Travel Document and Asylum Resident Permit can travel to Greece and other Countries which are made up of the European union. But they are allowed to stay there for a period of 3 months. In other words you can visit Greece and other European union Countries only as a tourist. you aren't allowed to Work there during your visit. If you would like to work in Greece or other Eu countries then you have to apply for a Separate work Visa before travelling to Greece or the Eu Country which you intend to travel to
Best regards
answered Aug 12, 2018 by Nelly Overcomer
Are you sure ?
Hello @PrayForBetterLife - Yes, Nelly is right. You find a comprehensive list of all countries you can travel to without a visa in this thread: https://***.wefugees.de/102024/which-countries-visit-passport-addition-switzerland-example?show=102024#q102024 Best regards, Thorgen
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