I **** for orientation regarding help, offers around Culture in Germany, German Language, Work in Germany, Study in Germany and maybe Sport. Thank you
asked Aug 10, 2018 in Other Questions by Camillo | 589 views

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1 Answer

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Hello @Camillo

Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for your question.

I'll just throw in some links that you can check out.

This is the Ankommer App that helps you to understand the basics of German society, the rules, your rights and other useful information:


If you need information about studying in Germany, you can check out this website:


"Make it in Germany" offers various information about career options etc.:


Also the website of the Federal Office for Refugees and Migrants (BAMF) explains a lot of stuff that might be of interest for you regarding the legal framework of your stay etc.:


Based on your profile I see that you are located in Cologne. Have you checked out the official website of the city to get an overview of its events?



Best regards,


answered Aug 13, 2018 by Thor
Dear Thorgen, thank you so much for your extensive insights!
I'm glad to hear my answer was helpful to you.
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