I’m an American engaged to an Iranian refugee who is living in Turkey. We have been waiting for our fiancé visa to finish processing for almost two years now, and it’s not looking promising with our current president and his bans. So I’m considering moving to Turkey so we can get married and live there for however long this takes. My question is whether it could affect my fiance’s refugee status, being married to an American. Because if he can’t stay in Turkey as a refugee, he can’t stay in Turkey. He has no passport. I know this doesn’t involve Germany and there may be laws specific to Turkey, but this should mainly concern the UNHCR so I was hoping someone would be able to provide guidance or point me in the right direction. Thank you very much.
asked Jun 25, 2018 in Legal advice by emilychristine | 1,017 views

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1 Answer

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Hello @emilychristine

Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for your question.

In general, getting married to someone does not influence the outcome of someone's asylum procedure. The purpose of such a procedure is to check whether the conditions in his/hers home country build ground to grant the applicant a refugee status/residence permit.

Best regards,


answered Jun 29, 2018 by Thor
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