Hello, i am working in Pflegeheim from Nov 2016. Recently i have found a job in Mcd as Nebenjob 450 euro basic. Can i get the work permit ? Is it would allowed to do two job ?
asked May 7, 2018 in Work by Dreamchaser | 924 views
Hello @Sandy - Nice to hear from you again. What is your current legal status? Did you manage to get Ausbildungsduldung or do you still have Aufenthaltsgestattung (or something different)? Best regards, Thorgen
Hello Thor,
Thank you for your reply. I still have Aufenthaltsgestattung . I am working 30 hours per week in Pflegeheim. Can i do nebenjob as 450 euro basic ?

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1 Answer

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Thank you for clarifying the matter.

In general, it is possible to have a second job.

But as an asylum seeker you have to ask Ausländerbehörde for permission for every single job that you want to do.

In addition you might have to talk to your employer at Pflegeheim first. Take a **** at your work contract to find out what you have to do exactly. If it doesn't say anything about Nebenjob you don't have to tell your employer. If it does contain a paragraph about Nebenjobs you either a) have to tell him about it or b) ask him for permission. As I said, check the contract for details.

Best regards,

answered May 8, 2018 by Thor
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