Hi, I want to apply for asylum in France but I just need to know. What happens once the asylum seeker is rejected his asylum in France. then had to go home. Do you get banned from the country after that? Like are you no longer allowed to enter the French territory when you apply for another visa again?
asked Mar 19, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Gayasylum | 2,069 views

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sorry, your query is not clear enough!!

from what i have understood:

If you have a rejection then:

1. In Theory: you can't travel to France and apply!

2. In Reality : just go for it. most of the time france authority would not bother if you are a rejected appilicant.  

answered Mar 19, 2018 by Smile
Ok I meant that if you apply for asylum and you got rejected then had to go home. Do you get banned after that? Like are you no longer allowed to enter the French territory when you apply for another visa again?
you are not allowed to travel to France for another 5 to 10 (depends) years if you were forced to leave otherwise you can apply for another visa/asylum after certain period of time or depends on your purpose/situation of application.

// i am not an expert, so try to contact with someone wo has better access on this matter.   

best of luck.
Ok so you're telling me that I will be banned from 5 to 10 years after rejection but then you say I can still apply for another visa or asylum .. I'm honestly confused and would like an explanation. ..

Btw, Im applying to seek refuge from homosexuel persecution and death threat

Hello @Gayasylum

First of all, after your asylum application has been rejected by France you have the option to appeal against the decision. And even if you get rejected again you can still apply for reconsideration if you can provide new evidence that hasn't been taken into account during your initial procedure.

Source: ****://domasile.info/en/#how-can-I-apply-for-reconsideration

If you've been rejected definitely, you usually have to leave the country "voluntarily" within ~30 days (the exact amount may vary from case to case) or you will get deported.

Source: ****://domasile.info/en/#oqtf

If you refuse to do so or if you resist, authorities might impose an entry ban on you (at least, that's how German authorities handle situations like that). It could be that France does it the same way, resulting in a 5-10 year ban that Smile mentioned (but I couldn’t find validated information about that though).

Maybe someone in the community knows a little more about the French asylum system and can share their expertise with us.

Best regards,



So after the initial rejection and even if you appeal against it and still get rejected then you leave the country voluntarily .. Would that's still affect your chances of getting going back to France later on or ask for a visa? Or are you just able to go back like everyone else without any problems ?!!
Hi - I got in contact with the guys that run the website that I linked above. They know more about the French asylum system than me.

They said that it depends on if you get a OQTF (Obligation de quitter le territoire français) with ban or without ban. The OQTF is a document you will receive after the end of the asylum procedure that asks you to leave the country. Furthermore they said that there shouldn't be any reasons why you couldn't apply for a visa afterwards if you didn't get a ban along with OQTF.

I hope this clarifys the situation.
Hey so even if they looked my name up in the system and saw that I got the OQTF they still would allow me to get another visa to come back to France ?
It probably depends on more factors than just that if you get a visa or not. But as long as the OQTF doesn't contain an entry ban you can give it a shot and apply for it.
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