asked Mar 12, 2018 in Education by Kidane | 2,058 views

Hello @Kidane - welcome to our community. Before we can give you an answer to your question we need to have a little more information about your background.

First of all, what is your legal status? Are you an acknowledged refugee, are you still in the asylum procedure or do you have Duldung?

Did you finish your studies (do you have a degree)? If yes, is it acknowledged ("Anerkennung")? Where did you do it? 

Also, where do you live (which city and since when)?

Best regards, Thorgen

In addition I will link @BildungsberaterIn from LernLaden. She is an expert on educational topics and shares her knowledge with us here on Wefugees. Maybe she can help you with your question.

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Hello Kidane. Thorgen already asked the main questions we would need to help you out. In general, it is possible for everyone to apply for all universities in Germany as long as you fulfill the requirements. As you already studied 5 semesters in your home country, it is very likely that you will be accepted by a German university. However, the universities must prove the requirements, for example if you have university entrance qualifications for German universities, depending on your studying experience. If you have any further questions, please let us know.
Best regards, Lernladen Neukölln
answered Apr 9, 2018 by BildungsberaterIn
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