Hallo ich bin Ahmed bin neu in Berlin, Und ich möchte gerne neue Freunde kennen lernen damit ich besser Deutsch sprechen kann. ich  mache gerne Sport und ich tauche gerne Kultur mit den andren.
Viele grüße
asked Sep 20, 2017 in Activities by Aldulaimi | 1,127 views

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2 Answers

+4 votes
Come to the next session of EveryoneSong Zehlendorf, Thursday Oct. 12th, 19h, at the Hasselmann´s familiy, Kirchweg 57, S7/1 Nikolassee, 14129 Berlin.

Meet people from Berlin and all over the world. We listen to our favourite music togehter, talk, laugh a lot and some people dance.... A relaxed, friendly and funny meeting in a private house. The size of the group varies, from six to sixty, as does the age of the participants - 17-77.....
Come and join us.
More information on EveryoneSong: ***.everyonesong.de

Cheers Lieschen (Carolie)
answered Oct 9, 2017 by Lieschen
Thanks for sharing the information @Lieschen :)
+1 vote
Hallo @Aldulaimi

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Viele Grüße,
answered Sep 22, 2017 by Thor
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