Hello I want to ask that if somebody wants to get marriage in Germany and his refugee status is not "Duldung"  and he gives the documents for marriage in Standesamt and can he be deported easily?
If the person has Duldung and he wants to get marriage then in Duldung status is it easy to deport him ?
I do not understand the German law . Because they do not follow the law and if someone wants to marry then why they annoy and why the do not allow ?
asked Jun 17, 2017 in Legal advice by Kikia | 3,759 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Hello @Kikia,

as far as I can see your first question is already answered in this thread that you posted about a month ago:


In short: If you don't get a "Duldung" at the end of your asylum process, you can be deported quite quickly. And for the authorities planning to get married is not a reason to postpone the deportation.

Please specify if you did not understand the answer provided there or if you need further/other information. The community and I will try our best to help you with your question.

To answer your second question concerning the possibility of being deported with a "Duldung":

With a "Duldung" your deportation is not suspended completely - it is just postponed. That means that you could be deported as soon as the reason for the suspension of your deportation is no longer valid. In other words: yes, it could happen that you will be send back even though you are trying to get married.

Plus: as stated in the thread linked above, authorities will start investigating if your marriage is a fake marriage or not. In general it is not the authorities business to ask for the reasons why people get married, yet still they will try to find out. Especially if they are having a suspicion that people get married in order to acquire a residence permit. Unfortunately this seems to be the normal case if a German citizen and an asylum seeker try to get married.

Source (in German language): ****://***.schutzehe.***/data/de_data/de_leitfaden.htm#auf

I hope this answer was helpful to you.

Maybe @Marcel and @Steven can add some information.

Best regards,
answered Jun 19, 2017 by Thor
You have written in first paragraph that
If you don't get a "Duldung" at the end of your asylum process, you can be deported quite quickly. ( I do not understand this that if u do not get Duldung and u r quiet quickly deported) it is strange without Duldung ????!??
Hello @Kikia - maybe both of us should make clear what exactly we mean when we say "not getting a Duldung" in order to prevent misunderstandings.

I refered to a scenario where your asylum process ends with an unchallengeable negative result. Which means: your residence permit, that was valid for the duration of your asylum process, expires and you are obliged to leave the country. If you don't do so you will be deported.

Of course "not getting a Duldung" could also mean that you get a positive result. For example "Subsidiärer Schutz" or a refugee status. Is that what you meant? Then of course, you are allowed to stay for 1 respectively 3 years and you will not get deported.

I hope this clarifies my answer. If not, feel free to ask further questions.
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