
i have friends from Suriya who are looking for ausbildung in Karlsruhe. With search, i can find many but it’s great to know which companies are giving chance to refugees.

Thank you.
Nasrin Safari
asked Jan 16, 2017 in Work by Nasrin | 953 views

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3 Answers

0 votes
Hello Nasrin,

ask 'Diakonisches Werk Karlsruhe' for support, they have a special project. for refugees looking for a job. Brief information (in German) and contact details: ****://bit.ly/2iHZur9

Kind regards, Jan
answered Jan 17, 2017 by Jan
thankkk you!
0 votes
Hi @Nasrin!

I would try to give a **** at Workeer.de , @Sophie and their team could have a few offers for you.
In which area would she like to do this Ausbildung? Does she speak German? Which level?
answered Jan 17, 2017 by Paolo
She has her Fach Abitur certificate and she in interested in office work. HR, Administration and other related.
she is 24 and her German level is B1 and soon she will start her B2.
Hi @Nasrin , I would definitely suggest to get in contact with the resource @Jan connected you to. If you can report to us about what they tell you, then we can start again from that.
 Here's what could be found through workeer https://workeer.de/jobs?title=&business_sector_parent=&business_sector_id=&type=apprenticeship&language=&location%5Bzip%5D=&location%5Bcity%5D=Karlsruhe&location%5Bstate%5D=Baden-W%C3%BCrttemberg&radius=
0 votes
Hi @Nasrin,

indeed, you could have a **** at the apprenticeships that we are offering at Workeer, which is an online job platform targeted specifically at refugees. You can browse through all current apprenticeship offers in and around Karlsruhe here: ****://bit.ly/2jjFDMN

answered Jan 21, 2017 by DavidJ
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