Hi every one my name is amir i need a help for my friend jakob he is coming in 2015 january and apply asylum but he give wrong name and birthday now he make Ausbildung and her Interview comming nagative and her layer ask about identy and he so scard and confuse when he give her orignol identy then maybe they police deport him and he dont finisch her Ausbildung so what he do now thanks alls.
asked Jan 12, 2017 in Asylum proceedings by Aami | 734 views

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2 Answers

+2 votes
your friend should continue to seek advice by a lawyer as such situations are complicated legally:

among others it is relevant:
- where does he come from?
- did he apply for asylum before 1 Sepetember 2005?

Generally speaking he can try to apply for a "Ausbildungsduldung" once his asylum request has been rejected. But then he must immediately start to cooperate with providing his real identity (including passport). Otherwise he will not have the right to receive a "Ausbildungsduldung". In Berlin, for example, the authorities give him  about six months to provide them with the real passport. But in any event he must immediateley start to cooperate to provide his real passport and show it to the authorities that he cooperates. Again: a lawyer should do this for him.
answered Jan 17, 2017 by Marcel
0 votes
Thank u so much your kind help vielen dank.
answered Jan 17, 2017 by Aami
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