Hello Wefugee Community!
Where can I find an in-person arabic-speaking resource for all questions work related?
Thanks so much!
asked Dec 8, 2016 in Information & Offers by nyberlin | 1,105 views
And welcome in the community!!
Thanks @Paolo!

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1 Answer

+2 votes
Hi @nyberlin!

I hope these contacts can be useful to you. Please let me know how it goes and if they are what you're looking for. I'll research more if you need other info.

Sometimes as Wefugees.de we also organize we also organize offline workshops related to this topic and translation in Arabic, English, German and Farsi is provided.
If you want to take a **** at the last event we had in Munich and see whether some of your questions have already been answered, please follow this link to the streaming. https://***.facebook.***/wefugees.de/videos/1251372274885581/

Here on the right ( -----> ) you will also always find informations about these events, keep an eye on it or follow the facebook page to get all the news about the events in your city ( facebook.***/wefugees.de )

KommMit e.V. / BBZ
Turmstraße 72, 4. Etage
10551 Berlin
U-Bahn Linie 9 "Turmstraße"
bbzberlin.de/kontakt.html Tel.: 030. 66 64 07 20

Let me know if I can do anything more for you =)
See you around in the community and in Berlin!



Advice on work for refugees with a residence permit (from 27 years)
Telephone: 030 68 24 77 16
Telephone: 030 68 24 77 18
Fax: 030 68 24 77 12
Email: migrationsberatung@diakoniewerk-simeon.de

Advice on working in Germany for people from Lebanon
Telephone: 030 68 24 77 19
Fax: 030 68 24 77 12
Email: almuntada@diakoniewerk-simeon.de

answered Dec 8, 2016 by Paolo
For the refugees with the residence permit, does this count if they are still awaiting their answer about Asylum?
we might need to call on monday and ask. Let's try and see. Have you already reached out to them?
hi @nyberlin , perhaps  this is a better resource  <br> KommMit e.V. / BBZ
Turmstraße 72, 4. Etage
10551 Berlin
U-Bahn Linie 9 "Turmstraße"
****://***.bbzberlin.de/kontakt.html    Tel.:  030. 66 64 07 20
but if you have a question please post it here so that the community can learn from it. Even if you get an answer online, would be great if we managed to report the useful information on this website =)
Hi @nyberlin, did you have the chance to check it out? =)
Hey @nyberlin =) any news for us? we need to learn from one other, let us know if you discovered where is the best place =) have a good day!
Great! I will do... planning on making the calls this week. I will report my findings! Thanks for all the information!
@Paolo, working on getting a hold of KommMit.... hard to reach via tel. More soon!
A friend of mine told me that it should work good at least as offline resource. I tried to reach them via phone but it looks difficult. If you have questions feel free to pass them on to the community. =) From Legal Advide, career planning, Finding friends, Education and all it might come to your mind =) Have a good end of the year and I'll wait for your news =)
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